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Michael Ford
Michael is a JavaScript developer based out of the UK. While comfortable on the full stack, 他倾向于前端开发,目前主要使用React, React Native, 和TypeScript,目的是快速开发稳定的多平台应用程序. 他曾与许多不同规模和范围的公司合作过,对实时数据非常感兴趣,喜欢Firebase这样的数据库.
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Ryan is a top architect, entrepreneur, and developer. 他在构建云可伸缩、可扩展的软件和系统方面的能力得到了证明. 他编写的代码可以随着业务系统和需求适应市场需求或核心业务方向的变化而维护和扩展.
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Eva是一名熟练的后端开发人员和机器学习工程师,具有可扩展性问题的经验, system administration, and more. She has a flair for well-structured, readable, and maintainable applications and excellent knowledge of Python, Ruby, and Go. She is a quick learner and has worked in teams of all sizes.
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Jonathan is a full-stack engineer with more than ten years of experience. 他擅长大型分布式系统和面向客户的单页web应用程序. 乔纳森还擅长大数据,经常参与与社交媒体相关的分析项目.
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Carlos是一名专业的软件工程师和全栈web开发人员,专注于Ruby on Rails框架. He has worked with tech companies for over a decade, helping to build technology-based businesses from the ground up. He has a bachelor's degree in computer science from Williams College.
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Botond是一名高技能的专业软件开发人员,他喜欢编写其他人可以理解和遵循的代码. His passion for programming began when he was 13, after receiving a ZX Spectrum-compatible Russian PC from his father. He learned programming and became a true lifelong enthusiast.
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