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Michael Truog
Michael is a top architect, engineer, developer, and entrepreneur with a proven ability to develop efficient, scalable, and fault-tolerant server solutions for complex problems. 他在所有级别的软件和架构方面都有丰富的经验和技能.
Show MoreRidvan Döngelci
Ridvan是一名后端开发人员,在Java和Android应用程序方面拥有丰富的经验. Having worked for Amazon for more than four years, he is very familiar with Amazon Web Services (AWS). As a goal-oriented and delivery-focused professional, Ridvan喜欢提供创新的解决方案和高度可扩展的分布式系统.
Show MoreRoger Weber
Roger是游戏行业的资深人士,拥有超过10年的软件工程师和领导者经验. 他是c++专家,专门从事使用专有引擎或虚幻引擎的游戏. As a person, Roger is inspiring and optimistic, 由深刻的分析思维和对整个产品而不仅仅是技术堆栈的牢牢把握提供动力. 因此,罗杰在包括跨学科工作的协作环境中茁壮成长.
Show MoreBartosz Ptaszynski
Bart是一名软件工程师,在云自动化、安全和网络方面拥有丰富的经验. Over the last two decades, Bart delivered solutions for small and big companies, including Fidelity, F-secure, Vectra AI, teamwork, and startups. His strength lies in Python, Go, and Elixir, with additional solid knowledge in JavaScript and TypeScript. Bart has years of experience managing Kubernetes, CI/CD, and web security outside software engineering.
Show MoreEqbal Quran
Eqbal是一名高级全栈开发人员,拥有超过十年的web和移动开发经验. 他是解决问题的高手,并拥有广泛的成品专业产品组合.
Show MoreGrzegorz Eliszewski
Grzegorz是一名DevOps工程师,在创建持续集成和持续交付流程方面经验丰富, software development, and infrastructure maintenance for a variety of project sizes. 作为云原生解决方案的倡导者,他还精通OpenShift和Kubernetes DevOps. Grzegorz目前正在从事大数据生态系统和容器编排方面的工作.
Show MoreJanko Krstic
Janko是一名软件工程师和架构师,专注于区块链,专注于去中心化金融和自我主权身份(SSI)。. He has years of experience with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Quorum, Fabric, Tendermint, Cosmos blockchains, and Hyperledger Indy and Aries SSI solutions. Janko has recently applied modern distributed systems, cryptography, and blockchain theory to solving SSI-related problems.
Show MoreHamza Ali Taş
Hamza是一名全栈开发人员,在软件工程原理以及构建和管理专注于关键任务产品的跨职能团队方面经验丰富. His fields of work include on-demand eCommerce applications, IoT with big data applications, multiplayer games, and SaaS products. He is an expert in Go, Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and Redis. Hamza is also interested in container technologies, cloud services, software architecture, and distributed systems.
Show MoreMichael Cetrulo
Michael拥有16年以上设计和开发web应用程序的专业经验. His focus has been primarily on the back end and APIs, but he also has experience in the front end, web scraping, and big data technologies. He is proficient in Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. 作为团队成员和技术主管,Michael广泛使用敏捷/Scrum方法.
Show MoreWesley Kirinya
Wesley是一位高技能的开发人员,在各种技术和编程语言方面拥有20多年的经验. 他专门从事Java应用程序开发,在C/ c++开发和Java与C/ c++之间的接口方面拥有深厚的专业知识. Wesley的专业背景包括DevOps和基础设施管理方面的经验, particularly on AWS, Azure, and GCP. 他还拥有将应用程序部署到Kubernetes以及使用OpenGL和套接字的实践经验.
Show MorePamidu Ruhunage
Pamidu has over nine years of solid development experience. 他有软件工程背景,但后来转投DevOps,因为他发现在为许多满意的客户完成之前的项目时,使用DevOps工具和技术非常有趣和令人兴奋.
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