按需人才带来变革性的好处, 然而,许多公司和管理者难以接受这种强大的资源. 在本文中, 保罗埃斯蒂斯, 高级技术主管, 分享这些天赋如何彻底改变了他的个人和职业生活, 以及他对那些渴望挖掘其潜力的人的建议.
按需人才带来变革性的好处, 然而,许多公司和管理者难以接受这种强大的资源. 在本文中, 保罗埃斯蒂斯, 高级技术主管, 分享这些天赋如何彻底改变了他的个人和职业生活, 以及他对那些渴望挖掘其潜力的人的建议.
Toptal是顶级自由软件开发者的专属网络, 设计师, 金融专家, 和世界上的项目经理.
New technology waves ultimately force all companies to hop on for the ride or get left behind. 在过去的十年里,这种海浪的力量有所增强, 抛弃过时的商业模式, 同时让颠覆性进入者跃居领导地位.
为了瞥见一个迎面而来的海浪, Toptal见解最近采访了保罗埃斯蒂斯, 微软Office 365高级总监. Opening the discussion with a look back over recent trends that have propelled the most valuable companies in the world into their current position, 他的信息很明确:
“在80年代,公司必须制定个人电脑战略, 90年代的互联网战略, 以及2000年代的移动战略. 在2018年,公司需要有一个按需战略.”
企业公司, 按需商业模式意味着建立必要的关系, 基础设施, 工作流程和批判性文化思维. 有了这些元素, they can access the increasingly rich pool of workers who intentionally work remotely, 对于多家公司, 在一个项目接一个项目的基础上.
据埃斯蒂斯说, 公司应该接受他所说的“零工心态”,” what he describes as “the inclination for people and organizations to engage on-demand, 利用专家的智慧来回收时间, 驱动创新, 重新思考什么是可能的.”
在本文中, we explore practices that have been transformative for Estes in both his work and personal life, which he prescribes to companies aspiring to leverage the on-demand economy.
Technological disruption, the common thinking goes, kills outdated business models. 最近的墓碑支持了这一论断:Netflix的点播服务, flat fee model shuttered Blockbuster; the seamless Uber experience rendered cab-hailing a crude act by comparison; Apple Music offered single-song, 立即购买, 在非法下载之后重振唱片公司的销售.
而颠覆性技术似乎是致命武器, 埃斯蒂斯认为一种更强大的力量在起作用:极端的以客户为中心.
企业必须采取以客户为中心的创新方式. 例如, 优步认识到客户想要——并且有能力——无缝呼叫, 通过智能手机实现高质量的交通.
Estes encourages fellow executives to “look at the pain points in the customer’s business, 询问他们哪些kpi反复受到影响.“所有公司都至少有一个关键的工作流程, those who expose - and find ways to fix - the roots of these problems stand to secure lasting relationships.
以客户为中心, Estes also recommends reviewing how competition is innovating to relieve customer pain. 例如,像谷歌这样的领导者依赖于 众包的努力 继续完善人工智能驱动的图像识别算法. 在人工智能方面,谷歌借鉴了历史经验. “早期的人工智能训练依赖于众包支持,埃斯蒂斯说。, “and the use of distributed training helped computers 学习 to ‘see’ images and ‘hear’ speech.”
Executives must keep their fingers on the pulse of emerging technologies such as 面向企业应用的区块链, 为快速的产品开发而开发. 对于普遍存在的挑战,如数据安全, 向云的迁移, 满足消费者日益增长的期望, companies should carefully monitor how comparable large enterprises marshall emerging resources.
改变组织认知, executives must cultivate a culture of curiosity about the on-demand economy. 虽然看起来很明显, culture drives synchronized action from leadership down to sole contributors. 发展文化需要深思熟虑、模式化的行为. As models, executives can directly influence the broader attitude towards the on-demand economy.
据埃斯蒂斯说, 思想领袖应该“将随需应变视为一种趋势”, 就像人工智能, 云技术, 或者任何其他大型科技趋势.这样做的时候, they should encourage their organizations to start the conversation around how to harness 欧博体育app下载, 特别是.
当自由职业者完成相对低价值的任务时, 欧博体育app下载 解决高度复杂的问题, value-driving business challenges and therefore stands to most significantly impact the enterprises that engage it.
Treat on-demand as a trend, 就像人工智能, 云技术, 或者任何其他大型科技趋势.
为了最好地培养好奇心,没有什么比面对面的交流更好的了. 邀请演讲者在非正式的“午餐和学习”会议上发言, traveling off-campus to visit would-be partners are common calls to action. Estes also encourages executives to attend conferences and meetups held by talent platforms and staffing companies, both of which rapidly accelerated his 学习ing and thought leadership position within Microsoft.
Summoning Simon Sinek in his final piece of advice, Estes reminds executives to “Dream big. 从小事做起. 但最重要的是,开始.“对于偏向于行动的领导者, 这个提醒似乎是显而易见的, 但他们肯定会欣赏“分析瘫痪”的趋势,尤其是在评估一项新技术的最佳起点时.
为了缩短这个周期, Estes implores fellow executives to start applying on-demand solutions to internal or customer problems. “不要被大数定律所麻痹,埃斯蒂斯说。, citing the tendency for managers to adopt the mindset of “If I’m not managing a multi-million dollar project, 那就不重要了.”
不要被大数定律所麻痹. 从小预算和重点项目开始.
相反,从小预算和重点项目开始. 他说:“不要认为试点项目会规模化,埃斯蒂斯建议道。, as most of the successful pilots he sees focus on specific divisions where teams can implement, 学习, 然后扩大范围.
分享最近的例子和灵感, Estes noted a few cases that illustrate how large enterprises are tapping on-demand resources to remain competitive.
Ikea and TaskRabbit - “If you asked two years ago if Ikea would buy TaskRabbit, 每个人都会认为“这很有趣”. 我没想到会这样,然而, 根据ReCode, Ikea recognized the opportunity to “bolster its digital customer service capabilities… [with this] first step into the on-demand platform space.”
TurboTax -与它最近的TurboTax Live! 发射, the traditionally DIY software-based service now offers a hybrid approach that pairs technology with a network of CPAs. 这样的“协助税务准备”,以满足报税人日益增长的市场需求.
一个单一的仪式可以形成一个集结点,围绕它建立新的习惯. “我仍然会在早上和家人一起做煎饼,埃斯蒂斯打趣道, 他简洁地总结了他采用按需资源的动机, 从而为他的个人生活腾出时间.
Estes advises those new to 欧博体育app下载 to start with their personal lives. 叙述最近的个人经历, he faced the competing responsibilities of an accelerating career at Microsoft, an expanding family at home; Estes faced a decision: burn out or hit the refresh button. He chose the latter, in so doing, managed to have his pancakes and eat them, too.
本质上, Estes began to farm out components of his work and personal life that no longer required him to do them. 有人可能会想,“当然,这很容易. 多年来,人们一直在雇佣房屋清洁工和割草机.“虽然这些替代在主题上是可比性的, 埃斯蒂斯推荐的方法要系统化得多, 结果就是, 能够释放出更大的带宽.
“最重要的是,每个人都需要学习如何建立一个系统. 我们并没有消耗更少的信息或变得更忙碌,”埃斯蒂斯说. Building a system means identifying resources and technologies to which we can map our time-sapping tasks, 要么是重复的,要么是对我们注意力的低价值使用, or those that require specialized skills which can be easily accessed by engaging 欧博体育app下载.
最重要的是,每个人都需要学习如何构建一个系统. 我们并没有消耗更少的信息,也没有变得更忙
Estes relies on a variety of talent to work more efficiently in both his home and work life. In the professional setting a consortium of talent helps him complete research, 脚本编写, 视频工作, 时事通讯, 会议安排, 原型设计. 工作之外的事,埃斯蒂斯 依赖于类似的支持 to complete work ranging from simple tasks - such as scheduling appointments - to complex project management - such as managing multiple contractor quotes for a home renovation.
这种系统构建的核心是“执行者网络”.” Estes has assembled a network of 35 individuals who augment his ability to perform a variety of critical work, 通常以更有效的方式, 鉴于他们的专业性.
Finally, when engaging 欧博体育app下载, remember that leadership exists at every level. 虽然传统的领导观念会让人联想到更高的头衔, 更大的办公室和更大的团队, 埃斯蒂斯指出,这个概念是如何随着按需经济的发展而演变的. “I’ve seen independent contractors manage teams of 10 freelancers and gain all the benefits of managing a system.”
积极的影响似乎具有传染性, as Estes adds “These managers start to see themselves not as a cog in the wheel, 而是一个能掌控自己命运的人. 这种态度会影响公司员工, 谁知道每天都有领导的机会.”