Avinash Tripathi
作为一名经验丰富的PHP开发人员,拥有超过12年的经验, Avinash brings a wealth of expertise in crafting robust and dynamic web solutions. His proficiency spans a diverse array of technologies, primarily focusing on WordPress and Laravel. Over the past eight years, 他把自己打造成一个自由职业者, 为全球客户提供高质量的项目. 他坚信有效的沟通, 加上较强的技术能力, 是项目成功的基石吗.
Show MoreAndrew Belousoff
自2010年以来,Andrew一直是一名专业开发人员. He has experience both in desktop and web development, working with both the back and front ends. He writes mainly in PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and C++ but also has some C# and Python knowledge. Andrew can interact with databases, Unix Shell, WordPress, and Joomla CMS.
Show MoreFlavio Escobar
Flavio是一名顶级开发者,也是一名有抱负的企业家. He has extensive experience and skills with web and game development and is also proficient with mobile applications. 他精通PHP、JavaScript和WordPress.
Show MoreMitesh Prajapati
Mitesh是经过认证的Magento开发人员以及解决方案专家. 他有超过十年的专业web编程经验, including over 12 years as an eCommerce professional specializing in web service APIs, 3rd-party integrations, 自定义扩展开发, speed optimization, and template integration. Mitesh以只提供高质量的产品而自豪, 优化代码,坚持高专业标准.
Show MoreFrédérique Mittelstaedt
Frédérique is a software engineer and entrepreneur with an MSc in theoretical physics from Imperial College London. 他擅长用网络构建全栈系统, desktop, and mobile apps, microservices, and external integrations. Frédérique co-founded an international marketing agency and three startups in developer tools, cybersecurity, and AI. Frédérique regularly releases TypeScript packages and contributes to other open-source projects.
Show MoreXin You
Xin自2014年以来一直是一名全栈web开发人员, 但他在十几岁的时候就爱上了网络开发. 从他第一次接触网络技术开始, he's had an overall positive experience with modern programming languages and frameworks. He also has a bachelor's degree in computer science from Nanyang Technological University. Xin是一个有礼貌的专业人士,客户会喜欢和他一起工作.
Show MoreCameron Barr
Cameron is an expert PHP application developer who has been leading web development projects for 15 years in both startup and mature business environments. 他是一个优秀的沟通者, having written instructional material for PHP frameworks and development documentation for projects. He also works a great deal with Xdebug, PHPUnit, JavaScript, AWS, and Bash. Cameron可以加入任何项目并帮助快速交付需求.
Show MoreStanislav Petrov Bagalev
Stanislav is a developer, 他在保加利亚工作,主要使用CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, C#, SQL, PHP, Unity, 以及其他全栈技术. He builds eCommerce websites, web applications, and games—with game-building being his favorite. He is a friendly and practical developer who thinks things through and solves problems quickly.
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