Hire Freelance Three.js Developers and Engineers
Pedro Amorim Brandão da Silva
Pedro拥有信息工程博士学位,专攻计算机图形学和2D/3D应用程序和游戏的自动/程序内容生成. He is proficient in .. NET和c#开发,但也使用过其他几种语言和环境. 他是一个优秀的沟通者——曾主持过几次演讲,并在大学课堂上授课. Since 2015, Pedro has been working as a developer and CTO at Sceelix.
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Chetan是一位拥有近十年软件工程专业经验的企业家. He has founded a mobile gaming company and released two games, one of which has over 6 million downloads on iOS and Android. Chetan之前是一家尖端人工智能公司的工程师和研究员, and the first engineering hire at a social mobile startup. 他可以轻松融入任何项目,交付令人惊喜和喜悦的产品.
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Momcilo's professional experience spans a range of industries. 作为一名学生,他开始管理一个100名志愿者的团队,然后在他的第一份工作中担任销售和微波工程师. He started to climb the corporate ladder only to realize he didn't want that. After self-reflection, Momcilo决定将网页设计师和程序员作为职业,同时将制作有趣的东西(电子游戏)作为爱好.
Show MoreGordan Sikic
With over two decades of experience, Gordan是一位资深的c++软件工程师,在数值分析方面有很强的背景,对虚拟现实充满热情, 3D graphics, and visual simulations. 他在数学建模、CAD系统和实时系统方面也很有经验.
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Alejandro于2005年获得软件工程学士学位,此后一直作为自由职业者为全球各种规模的软件公司工作. Currently, he enjoys working as a full-stack architect in JavaScript projects, 他的经验和他对建筑和理论的深刻理解最具影响力的是什么.
Show MoreMiroslav Braun
Since 2009, Miroslav has been working as a professional full-stack developer, consultant, and software architect developing solutions with modern technologies. 他是一名出色的团队合作者,但对于轻松处理个人项目并不陌生. Given the broad spectrum of software engineering, Miroslav can handle anything, from small styling changes to server administration and complex solutions.
Show MoreBassam Seif
Bassam是一名软件架构师和工程师,从11岁开始独立编程. He specializes in full-stack, highly scalable JavaScript and Node.但他也有使用PHP、Java、c#和Objective-C的经验. Bassam is a fast learner who believes in building small, well-tested, highly documented, and functional pieces.
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As a full-stack engineer with a flair for front-end development, Damnjan曾帮助多家公司和客户开发尖端技术产品和服务. For the past 10 years, Damnjan还作为团队成员和独立开发人员为初创公司和国际公司做出了贡献, 主要是通过在一系列项目中利用他的JavaScript和React专业知识.
Show MoreHarrison Mendonça
Harrison是一名拥有13年应用开发经验的前端开发人员, websites, and interactive installations. 他创立了前端服务公司Grama和3D打印在线市场Cammada. 哈里森在巴西学习平面设计,并将他的业余时间用于研究和实验.
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Tomas has several years of remote contract work experience as a developer. 他开发了自己的工作流程,以便能够快速有效地交付完整和抛光的最终产品,并传达项目的输出. Tom热衷于开发移动3D应用程序和游戏,特别是与增强和虚拟现实相关的应用程序和游戏, fully native or built using Unity.
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