Hire 自由网页抓取开发者 and Engineers
Keying is a seasoned developer and leader with six years of experience. 在软件开发和管理的各个阶段都有实践经验, 她是个终身学习者, 一个completionist, 也是一个解决问题的人. Keying's expertise includes back-end services with Java, C#.NET, Python, REST, Oracle数据库, PostgreSQL, 和Redis SQL, 前端带有Angular, 以及AWS等云技术.
Martins is a seasoned full-stack web developer and technical leader, specializing in JavaScript and 框架 such as Angular, React, 和节点.js. 他擅长建立一个反应灵敏的建筑, mobile-first websites and excels in leadership, 有效的沟通, and fostering collaborative team environments.
Lubos是一名Python开发人员和熟练的解决方案架构师,拥有8年以上领导高负载系统开发团队的经验. He's also worked as a founding engineer and chief architect at the startup, Kiwi.com. 卢博斯擅长mvp, 分布式系统, 性能优化, 网页抓取, 并且在PostgreSQL等大型数据库集群方面有着丰富的经验, Elastic, 和卡桑德拉. Lubos is driven by the philosophy, "Do it with passion or don't do it at all."
Josef是一名技术娴熟的开发人员,拥有超过十年的专业经验, 强大的理论背景, the capacity to quickly learn anything given enough documentation, and a passion for programming since childhood. 他最近的工作主要包括创建自动化数据管道和利用获取的数据的工具. Josef cares deeply for a client's actual needs and has an eye for security, 长期稳定, 和可维护性.
显示更多Irakli Gugushvili
Irakli是一名Python开发人员,在多个行业拥有七年的经验. He started as a machine learning developer, expanded into a range of back-end technologies, 成为了网页抓取的专家. Irakli还精通云技术,目前是一名高级Python云工程师和AWS和Azure架构师. 他拥有数学和计算机科学学士学位,这为他的行业经验提供了支持.
显示更多Bakhatnur Baityeli
Bakhatnur is a full-stack developer with 12 years of experience in the eCommerce, 加密交换, 区块链, 以及外卖行业. 他从零开始,熟练地开发了各种服务和web应用程序,并构建了许多可扩展到数百万用户的服务. Bakhatnur is highly proficient in multiple technologies, including C#, .. NET, Java, 春天的引导, Node.js, React, JavaScript, and AWS Cloud Computing Services.
显示更多Asim Maqsood
Asim拥有近二十年的软件开发经验,从固件驱动程序到React应用程序. 他一直是技术栈的技术领导者,技术栈由数百个用各种语言编写的组件组成. He was awarded the CEO award for his work in development at Sky UK. Asim对自由职业并不陌生,他从2014年开始担任独立顾问. He is keen to join challenging projects of any scale.
Andrei是一名高级软件开发人员和前微软工程师,拥有10多年的网络开发经验, 桌面, mobile, 以及使用Ruby的区块链应用程序, C#, 和JavaScript. 他的产品带来了1亿多美元的总收入,至今仍有数千万用户在使用. 作为一个创业公司的创始人, 安德烈确切地知道品牌需要什么才能成功,以及如何弥合商业和技术之间的差距. He is here to help companies grow using the right software and tools.
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